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NO Category Title Date Hit
11564 Policy trends [일본] 차기 에너지 기본계획 수립을 위한 지금까지의 논의 (재생가능에너지 관련) 2024.12.23 24
11563 Policy trends [알제리] 알제리-독일 에너지 협력 동향 2024.12.23 24
11562 Policy trends [홍콩] 홍콩, 키갈리 개정 이행을 위한 HFCs 규제 법안 발표 2024.12.23 22
11561 Seminar / Conference(International) [2024. 12. 5 ~ 6]Enriching Knowledge Exchange: SDSN Networks Participate in ‘A Sustainability University Tour’ at CUHK 2024.12.20 27
11560 Seminar / Conference(International) [December 13, 2024] Building a Sustainable Future: An Alliance to Strengthen Higher-Education in Indonesia 2024.12.20 25
11559 etc [EU] Joint press release: Commission and European Investment Bank clear an additional €2.7 billion from emissions trading revenues for cleaner energy systems via the Modernisation Fund 2024.12.20 27
11558 etc [EU] Member States agree new ambition for expanding offshore renewable energy 2024.12.20 25
11557 etc [멕시] Mexico’s agriculture and livestock sectors: Their role in the Voluntary Carbon Market 2024.12.20 25
11556 etc [미국] FACT SHEET: President Biden Sets 2035 Climate Target Aimed at Creating Good-Paying Union Jobs, Reducing Costs for All Americans, and Securing U.S. Leadership in the Clean Energy Economy of the Future 2024.12.20 27
11555 etc [미국] Press Call by Senior Administration Officials on the U.S. Nationally Determined Contribution 2024.12.20 27
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