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NO Category Title Date Hit
11534 etc [EU] Energy Community Ministerial: Commissioner Jørgensen underlines importance of integration into EU electricity market 2024.12.16 29
11533 Policy trends [중국] 중국, '중점 에너지 사용 단위의 에너지 효율 진단 제도' 발표 2024.12.16 31
11532 Policy trends [벨기에] 무탄소에너지 시간별 매칭 (24/7 CFE) 제도 도입 및 전망 2024.12.16 31
11531 CTCN [UN] Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides DKK 30 million in funding towards CTCN to ensure developing countries meet NDCs 2024.12.16 29
11530 CTCN [UN] Call for Experts: Development of a deep decarbonization roadmap in the cement sector through advanced technology upgradation and enhanced standards in Senegal 2024.12.16 30
11529 etc [IRENA] Standardisation and Certification to Drive International Markets for Green Hydrogen Derivatives 2024.12.16 30
11528 etc [EU] Energy Community Ministerial: Commissioner Jørgensen underlines importance of integration into EU electricity market 2024.12.16 30
11527 Policy trends [아르헨티나] 아르헨티나 건설 산업, 지속가능성과 에너지 효율성으로 미래 설계 2024.12.16 31
11526 etc [EU] Grant agreement signature with European Defence Agency marks step forward for clean energy in defence and security sector 2024.12.16 31
11525 etc [USA] Remarks by President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden at the First-Ever White House Conference on Women’s Health Research 2024.12.16 31
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